Tuckahoe Union Free Schools
Tuckahoe Union Free Schools

Expansion diagrams

New all-weather field

Renovation / Restoration
New Construction
Multiple Projects
Project Information
Tuckahoe Union Free Schools
Tuckahoe, NY
Tuckahoe Middle School/High School is located on a tight, 5-acre village site. The original building was configured with one main corridor and three smaller wings; circulation around the original building was compromised by dead end corridors in each wing.
When enrollment and pedagogical challenges needed to be addressed, we created a plan to reorganize the school. The plan called for the construction of a new 21,000 sf science wing, and the conversion of existing science labs to classrooms. The new science wing was constructed in the style of the original building on the north side of the building. It attaches to the three dead end corridor wings, completing the circulation in a logical way. The addition also forms the northern edge of two new courtyards which reinforce the school's sense of community.
Additional completed projects for Tuckahoe included work at the Cottle Elementary School.