Bronxville Schools
Bronxville Schools
Bronxville Elementary School Addition
Bronxville Elementary School typical classroom
Bronxville Elementary School Addition
New Construction
Honors and Awards
1997 AIA 1st Honor Community Design Award
Project Information
Bronxville Schools
Bronxville, NY
Bronxville Elementary School is located on a tight site near the main civic intersection in the Village of Bronxville. An inconsequential one-story office wing had been built at the school’s entry in the 1980s, totally out of scale and character with the collegiate gothic style of the existing and neighboring school buildings. Faced with an expanding student population, the District needed four additional classrooms, but had no land available on which to expand the school.
To address the space shortage, we designed a four-classroom addition on top of the office wing, and created a new entry and colonnade in front of it. This new addition not only provided the needed academic space; it completely transformed the facade and entrance to the elementary school. The new design created a presence for the school on Midland Avenue, and connected it emphatically to the Village context.