Campus plan
New all purpose field and bleachers
The Masters School was founded in 1877 as a boarding school for girls. In 1996, the school became coed and embarked on a program of planning and expansion for its sloping, 96-acre site. Today, the school serves approximately 600 students in grades 5 through 12.
The Masters School is organized as a group of academic buildings, the campus core, surrounded by dormitories, playing fields and woodlands. The transformation of the campus has been accomplished in phases. It includes the design of playing fields, a new science building, a new middle school that incorporates the former science building, expanded dormitories, and a new Arts and Athletics Center.
We replaced an open parking lot with Morris Hall, a new Gothic Revival science and technology building which balances the mass and scale of Masters Hall directly across the quad. These buildings define the edge of an open green that is clearly the campus' main quadrangle.
When we designed the new Fonseca Center for Arts and Athletics, we further enhanced the campus plan. Fonseca is connected to the existing gym and music building, Strayer Hall. The placement of the new Center defines a south-facing quadrangle used for passive recreation and outdoor dining.